Friday, September 01, 2006

And she's off!

Mikayla finally figured out the crawling thing last night (sept. 31). She's been able to get on all fours for quite some time, but when she'd push with her arms, she would end up pushing herself backwards. Then, she would do the splits and end up in a sitting position. Last night she figured it out and took off! She was down the hallway, into our bedroom, out in the play room . . . We put up the baby gate at the top of the stairs after the kids were in bed. My life will now take a dramatic turn. I've already warned the boys that she'll be into their things.
Other updates on Mikayla:
I think she says "mom" although it comes out "Mum, mum". I'll take that.
She can wave, and I am convinced she says, "Hi".
She can also sign the word "more". It's cute because she learned to wave and sign "more" at the same time and sometimes when we ask her is she wants "more" she waves. It's hard to believe she will be 8 months old in a few days!
I hope we can post the video of her crawling soon.

You're right, crawling does change EVERYTHING! I have to watch Jackson like crazy now! It is amazing how fast they can get around. I am just waiting for him to start signing back to me!! And he also started waving last week and now does it ALL the time, even when we aren't doing it back to him . . . he must think he needs to practice : ) He LOVES to pull up to anything he can reach, which results in several bumbs and bruises! That's a boy for ya! It he could just get his balance a little better he would be walking (or running) everywhere! Take care!
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