Tuesday, July 25, 2006

so funny

John and I are always cracking up at the things the boys say, but I am terrible about writing them down or remembering them, so here are two that I can remember from this week . . .

If you read John's blog, you know Logan has been sick. Normally we are beverage minimalists around our house, milk or water. So, I went to the store and bought some Pedialite for Logan. When I got home and was unpacking the groceries Logan came over and saw the juice on the counter and said (now keep in mind he has croup and sounds alot like Donald Duck) "Oh, thank you mommy!" (pause) "Mommy, when I drink this (pause) in my heart, I will remember you."

Today we were playing outside and when the boys went in the house and shut the door, they locked the door behind them. I picked up Mikayla to go inside after them and found the door locked. After BANGING on the back door, checking the front door, then BANGING, BANGING, BANGING on the back door again, I called John to see if he could come home and let me in the house. While dialing Logan opened the back door to go back outside. The poor guys couldn't understand why I was furious with them. They didn't even realize the door had been locked and that I was outside. I then went on to explain to them what had happened and that I was outside and couldn't get in etc . . . etc . . . When my speech was over Luke walked away then Logan came back and said, "Mommy, member that story- that story, where they climbed on the roof and made a hole so they could get in, member that?" I was laughing so hard at that image, me and Mikayla climbing up the side of the house trying to get in through the roof.


too cute! you're family is beautiful. you are a great mom. i often think of you all fondly. sorry you've had a spell of bad luck. "to those whom are given much, much will be asked."

i'm helping to revamp our toddler ministry here in iowa, i may be calling on you for ideas. do you have a new email address? i tried the other with no response.

anyway, keep up the tremendous work. we love and miss you much.

-courtney & boys
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